
Cervicalsubluxationisaconditionwheretheneckmusclesandjointsarenotfunctioningcorrectly,causingsymptomslikedizziness,balanceissuesandblurred ...,2022年3月29日—Eyeproblemsincludingblurredvision,dryeyes,anddoublevision;;Headaches,dizziness,andmentalfog,alongwithfatigueandstuffiness ...,Neckpain·Headaches·Dizziness·Fatigue·Visualdisturbances·TMJpain·Numbnessortinglinginthearmsorhands.,2021年6月23日...

Neck Adjustments Help Dizziness, Balance, Blurred Vision

Cervical subluxation is a condition where the neck muscles and joints are not functioning correctly, causing symptoms like dizziness, balance issues and blurred ...

Breaking Down Ailments, One Vertebrae at a Time

2022年3月29日 — Eye problems including blurred vision, dry eyes, and double vision;; Headaches, dizziness, and mental fog, along with fatigue and stuffiness ...

Neck Pain As a Sign of Atlas Subluxation

Neck pain · Headaches · Dizziness · Fatigue · Visual disturbances · TMJ pain · Numbness or tingling in the arms or hands.

The Atlas Subluxation by Dr. Hurley

2021年6月23日 — The one eye can appear bigger and it can cause pain behind the eye. Balancing the skull through cranial adjustments can give wonderful relief to ...

Atlas Subluxation Complex Symptoms and Treatment

2022年4月18日 — Jaw pain. Pressure behind the eyes. Postural distortion such as head tilt, shoulder tilt, pelvic tilt, or short leg. If the Atlas bone stays in ...

Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC)

Here is a list of some of the most common signs and symptoms of Atlas Subluxation Complex ... Blurred Vision, Sinus Problems and Asthma Symptom Relief · Chronic ...

Eye Movement Disorders and the Upper Cervical Spine

2021年6月4日 — Crossed eyes · Double vision · Blurred vision · Eyes that do not aim in the same direction · Uncoordinated eye movements · Loss of vision or depth ...

The Atlas Subluxation

The nerves which control the muscles that move the eyeball and the muscles that focus the lens originate from the brainstem, and can be affected by an atlas subluxation. One of the very common complaints that people who have been in auto accidents relate

Compression of the brainstem

Some of the symptoms described above would be considered neurologic-like in nature. Loss of balance, vision problems, and involuntary muscle spasms to name a ...

The Link Between Visual Disturbances and Neck Pain

2020年7月9日 — A misalignment in the upper cervical area can trigger health issues throughout the body, including eye problems. The brainstem is in the same ...